How to change WHOIS Contact Details of your Domain Name? Print

  • whois, contact, records, whois records, contact details
  • 110

Sometimes you might need to or want to change the contact details displayed at the WHOIS records of your domain name. Please follow instructions below to update your contact details that you would like to display publicly.

STEP 1: Login to your Client Account

STEP 2: Go to Domain >> My Domains

STEP 3: Choose the domain name you would like to update contact details.

STEP 4: Now in details page, on left side of screen; look for "Contact Information", under "Manage" menu block. 

STEP 5: Now you can choose contact details from the contact lists that you already have under your account. or Modify the existing details.

STEP 6: Click "Save Changes".


NOTE: It might take upto 72hrs for your contact information to be displayed in WHOIS records. However,  happens much faster in the most of the cases within 24hrs.

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