Thulo.Com aims to digitize and digitally transform 100,000 Nepali businesses of all sizes and industries by 2030, fostering #DigitalNepal.
Get the domain that will never go out of style.
Hosting is what makes your site visible on the web. We offer fast, reliable plans for every need - from a basic blog to high-powered site. Designer? Developer? We have got you covered too.
Build your amazing blogs, personal, business and online store websites with an affordable price. We offer website builder, online shop builder and customized web development solutions to meet your every needs.
Create a business email address to stand out! A custom email domain helps your business look more professional and stand out from the competition. With Thulo Mail, Google Workspace or Private Email Servers you can easily create a professional address for
Protect your website with peace of mind. Our comprehensive security solutions include SSL Certificates, automated code backups, malware protection, and email security, ensuring your online presence stays secure at all times.
We proudly support our many products, and strive to answer questions and empower customers. Professional technical assistance is always available 24-hours a day. Customers can create tickets, access forums and knowledge bases, read FAQ’s and watch instruc
cPanel includes specific pre-installed PEAR packages. To see a list of pre-installed PEAR packages, click Show System Modules.
You cannot remove cPanel's system modules.
To toggle whether the system will notify you when updates for your cPAddons are available, click here. To inspect a cPAddon, click the name of the cPAddon. A new window will appear that displays...
The Site Software interface allows you to add, manage, upgrade, and remove cPAddons (cPanel Addons). cPAddons are software packages that add useful functions to your website. For example, cPAddons...
This feature allows you to search for, download, and install a PEAR package. Note: If you know the exact name of the PEAR package that you wish to install, enter its name in the Install a...
The Installed Modules table lists all of the PEAR packages that exist on your server. For each installed PEAR package, the table displays the following information: Column Description...
If your hosting provider allows you to select the version of PHP that your website uses, use this section of the interface to make your selection. To select a PHP version, perform the following...